Selecting the best pet cat:

4 min readFeb 7, 2021

Everyone wants to have a cute little pet in their house. And it’s a really great idea if you are planning to have a pet cat. The amount of affection you’ll feel is inexplicable. Their wide eyes and furry feline body can melt even the meanest heart.

But before deciding anything you need to be aware of a lot of things. You need to understand everything from the kind of breed you’re selecting to the kind of environment you’re going to give it. Having a cat comes with a lot of responsibility and it’s not just a piece of cake. Once you own it, it’s under your jurisdiction for nearly 4–5 years. So, it’s important to make a wise decision initially so you won’t suffer later on.

Photo by Kote Puerto on Unsplash

Why do you need a cat?

So, before we talk about the procedure of selecting the best pet cat it’s important to ask yourself,” Why do you need a cat?” Here are a few points to be remembered before you take the decision:

● All of us know that having a pet cat comes with lots of responsibility and especially if you are a working professional it won’t be easy for you to grow up a cat.

● It’s also important to know about your family preferences. If someone is allergic to cats then it won’t be a good decision to have it.

● You need to invest a lot for your cats. You need to give as much food as it needs, there would be medical charges and you even need to invest some quality time with it.

● If you have small children and old parents at home, it’s a huge responsibility. Adding one more responsibility won’t be a good idea.

If you are someone who lives all alone and does not have responsibilities then definitely you should go for it. Or even once you are free from all the responsibilities and don’t feel the burden of your family anymore you can give it a shot.

If you’re a child (less than 18 years) reading this, wanting to have a cat just make sure to take help from your elders while selecting a cat. A small child can’t take all the responsibility alone which is why to take the help of your elders.

Whether to choose an adult cat or a kitten?

So, it entirely depends upon your personal preferences. No doubt kittens may seem more appealing to you but it is a greater responsibility to own it. You need to teach kittens everything from scratch like eating foods, using litter boxes and getting familiar with human beings. They also require some extra time and care. In order to understand more about them you may even visit their parents.

While on the other hand adult cats would have already been inculcated with all these habits and they won’t require longer time to adapt to the environment.

Should you choose purebred cats?

Purebreds cats are separately bred in order to enhance some of their physical features and behavioral characteristics. But they are on the expensive side. There are some cats which are bred together in order to get a mixed variety of kittens. Their physical features vary. But even they can be great pets. Purebreds cats can be purchased from breeders. While the mixed variety of cats can be adopted from animal shelters and rescue organizations.

Prepare before you bring your cats home:

Before bringing your pets home you require a little bit of preparation as follows:

● You need to be prepared with all necessary materials like litter boxes, toys, foods, bowls for both water and foods. Also make sure to add scratching materials in your list or else it may damage your furnishings with its claws.

● Do prepare its shelter initially. Make sure that the environment is toxic free.

● Contact a veterinarian and make sure to ask about all kinds of vaccination program held for cats, so that you don’t miss anyone.

● Plan your time which you will be spending with cats. You need to make it understand about every material it’s going to use.

● If you already have a pet make sure that their personality matches and do introduce both of them. They may take some time to adopt each other. Until then make sure to provide everything to them separately.

● More than one toiletries is required before having multiple pets. And make sure they are located at different locations in your home.

Some useful tips:

● The ideal time for kitten to move into a new house is about 7–9 weeks

● Do NOT allow your kittens to play with STRINGS. They are dangerous.

● Meet the kitten’s parents at any cost. You can learn a lot about the kittens behavioral characteristics.

